Download NORD-LOCK Wheel Nut Catalgoue

Authorised Distributor of NORD-LOCK Safe Wheel Nuts in INDIA.

The Nord-Lock wheel nut, Safe wheels save lives

The Nord-Lock wheel nut safely secures wheels on on-road and off-road heavy vehicles by maintaining high clamping force even under extreme operating conditions.

Heavy Vehicle wheel detachment caused by loose wheel nuts is a long-standing problem. The Nord-Lock Safe Wheel Nut is a solution to this problem.

The new Nord-Lock wheel nut effectively eliminates unintentional loosening of wheel nuts. When assembled correctly, the Nord-Lock wheel nut cannot loosen by itself. It represents a simple and cost effective way to make wheels safe and secure for more productive and efficient operations. The Nord-Lock wheel nut is designed for flat-faced steel rims..

The simple way to make wheels safe

The Nord-Lock wheel nut is based on the same principle as the Nord-Lock washers. Each nut incorporates a pair of captivated washers with cam faces on one side, the cam angle α is larger than the thread pitch β On the opposite side there are radial teeth. When the wheel nut is tightened, the teeth of the Nord-Lock washers grip and lock the mating surfaces, allowing movement only across the cam faces. Any rotation of the wheel nut is blocked by the wedge effect of the cams.